We design trade fair solutions, build trade fair layouts, offer consulting, design and construction of turnkey trade fair stands and develop technologically advanced services for our customers.
We advise and assist clients in arranging and coordinating the documentation required by the fairgrounds, for the registration and implementation of the fair stand at the respective fairgrounds.
We create a 3D drawing of the project, which provides a clear picture of the concept and follows the technical requirements of each fairgrounds. The visual presentation of the exhibition space enables timely changes and adjustments to your wishes and needs.
We take full care of the realization of the project. We arrange formal confirmation, arrange the order of technical connections and cleaning the stand. With our experienced collaborators, we ensure a quality and professional installation, including the installation of your exhibition exhibits.
With our own fleet, we ensure fast and safe transport of equipment and exhibition exhibits to the fairgrounds. If necessary, we can also pick up the exhibits in your warehouse.
Skladišče nam omogoča primerno hrambo vaših razstavnih eksponatov ter opreme do naslednjih sejmov. Eksponati so v času hrambe zavarovani. S tem se lahko izognete dodatnim logističnim in finančnim zahtevam glede dostave razstavnih eksponatov v naše skladišče.
When organizing various events, we offer rental of fair constructions and equipment (chairs, tables, refrigerators, floor coverings, kitchens ...), transport, assembly, and disassembly.

The creation of an exhibition space based on the client's wishes and our many years of experience is a combination of all types of fair constructions and advanced technology, which enable the client to present the company in an attractive and unique way.

With the warehouse and our own fleet, we strive for ecological orientation, as we reduce the generation of waste generated after the completion of the project by transporting and storing various elements of the fair stand.

Making a stand with the help of advanced communication tools enables our customers both visually and technologically functional advanced presentation of the company.
To achieve interactivity in the exhibition space, we use the latest available tools of advanced digital communication, which include displaying reality in a different way, by displaying 3D content through various media that will impress your visitors (holograms, video wall, WR and AR technology, touch screen…) and encourage them to participate.
Get an offer for a technological innovation that will make you stand out and consolidate your brand among your target audience.